A while ago, when I purchased my French Provincial dresser off of Craigslist, I also bought a depression era buffet from him as well. It was in rough shape and needed some serious attention. The top was peeling off and just looked awful. We tried to peel of the rest of the laminate, but it wasn't happening. We were going to have to replace it completely. This thing sat in our carport for months before I finally got around to tending to its needs. From all the rain we had this winter, the top (which needed to be replaced anyways) warped, and just reiterated the fact that it had to go.
This past Friday I came down with the crud and felt pretty awful all weekend. Andrew did a fantastic job of taking care of me. He managed to get me to walk around Lowe's with him just long enough to pick out the router bit I wanted to shape the new top we had to put on the buffet. It took the life out of me to leave the house for a few hours, so while I slept for 3 hours, he got to work!
He did such an amazing job! I'm so proud of him, because for a first time router user, it turned out exactly how I wanted it to. I wasn't up for any kind of DIY this weekend, so we moved it into our mud room to get it off the carport and out of the weather.
I knew what I wanted to do to this piece, it was just a matter of getting around to it. When we went to pick out paint for our kitchen table, I went ahead and bought Annie Sloans Emperor's Silk RED! The red came from the wine inspired canvas Andrew got for a STEAL at Kirkland's. Originally $184 marked down to $23. That's right TWENTY-THREE!
I finally started gaining some energy back and managed to lay out my drop cloth in my now favorite winter time place to paint; my kitchen. I did some light sanding with some 220 grit paper just to smooth out some of the wood.
I started with the drawers and was loving the way the wood came through just one coat of paint. It looked distressed without me having to go back and rough it up.
I saved the top for last. I knew, since the top was newer/different type of wood, it would take the paint differently. I didn't want to leave it natural or stain it. So I crossed my fingers and laid on the first coat.
It was much brighter, but I wanted to give it time to dry, plus I had burnt myself out and needed to take a couch break. While I plopped on my couch I was racking my brain on what I wanted to do. I decided not to do a second coat and go ahead with my dark wax.
I started with the edge (which you can see the detail of the routing Andrew did really well in this picture) and really liked how the grain showed up more.
The technique I made up as I went along when it came to waxing the top went like this. Dip my rag two-three fingers deep in the wax. Then I skipped and made 5-6 quick marks going with the grain. Then I spread these out along the top remembering to go with the grain. Making some areas dark and others light letting the bright red shine through.
To my surprise, the wax stained the top to match the rest of the piece almost perfectly! I love it!
We are on the hunt for the perfect drawer pull for the center drawer, but haven't come across it yet.
This piece really adds a pop of color to the bland room. Here's the finished decorated Wine Buffet!
In the top center piece, the red on top of the wine bottle was the inspiration for the red!! This is the $23 canvas I was talking about
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