Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Quest for the Perfect One

We moved into our 1989 home in September 2013 and LOVE it.
 Between my college apartment furniture and his hand me down furniture not one piece of furniture in our house matches. But between the two of us, we have a bed, two night stands (that don't match) and a 3 drawer dresser that has two purposes: holding clothes and holding the TV. Because we have all these mix-matched furniture, I went to our Lowe's and bought some paint. I'm all for a mix of pieces, but they're going to look like they go together!
Our bedroom color is Valspar Polished Silver, and we love it, so I chose to go with black and white furniture pieces. But I get bored with just plain Jane, and wanted to mix it up!

This is one of our side tables

I striped it to give it a little bit of life. I love black and white. It's classic to me
I chose to do a Harlequin pattern so that I could really make the original hardware pieces of this piece pop against the black!
The side panels were the perfect place to put my pattern.
I painted the side panels white, and then got a piece of cardboard and made my template and stenciled the pattern on in black.
I'm sure there was an easier way to do this, but I free handed the pattern.
I think my flaws give it character! --at least that's what I tell myself to avoid OCD meltdowns on really tedious projects.
With a little bit of sanding and destressing, I roughed this baby up and love it.
SIDE BAR: Before we moved into our house we rented a 1920 historic home with TONS of storage, and we had no need for a dresser. Now, in our new home we are fighting over shelving in our walk-in closet.
I do this often, and in my mind picture exactly how I want my rooms in my house to look. I sit on the couch in the living room and think to myself. Why did I hang that there? It would look better over on that wall. But I had to make a promise to myself, to only work on ONE ROOM AT A TIME!
This "promise" I made to myself was for my living room... that's a whole nother story I will get to later.
So, back to this story. I joined a facebook group where the county we live in has it's own version of Craigslist.
I check it daily, sometimes more than 5 times a day hoping I might come across and be the first person to find what I've been dreaming up in my head as the PERFECT dresser.
I wanted a dresser with legs so that it stands up above our carpet and in my perfect fantasy, it would have the French Provincial rounded drawer look. We would get up on Saturdays and hit all the estate sales and yard sales for months. I would go cross eyed checking the latest furniture listings on Craigslist and Facebook. When yesterday.. low and behold...
With my charming negotiation skills (not really), I scored this baby and another piece for a STEAL! I am so excited to sand her down and paint her to be beautiful again!
This is my first shot at blogging, so please check back as a post my journey on making this dresser apart of my mix-matched, yet matching bedroom.

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