
Thursday, January 9, 2014

How I asked my Bridesmaids

Like any other girl, I spent months (ok, probably years) on Pinterest pinning the perfect wedding ideas waaaay before I even met my fiance'. With all that pinspiration, I knew I wanted to ask my girls to be my bridesmaids in a more creative and formal way, vs a plain text message. Considering the majority of them live in different cities, it would be too expensive to drive and ask them all in person.

I started at Hobby Lobby, and it was on from there. I found these adorable burlap envelops, some mixed media flowers and buttons in my wedding colors to put on the outside, some 4.5" x 6.5" cardstock to print on, ribbon to tie it all together and doilies just because I think they're pretty.


 Good ole' fashioned hot glue goes a long way. For once in my life, I really thought things through before I dove right into my project. I made sure to take a scrap piece of card stock and actually put it in the burlap envelope before I glued my pieces on. Otherwise, I would of glued the whole thing shut!

6 tedious envelopes later, I took off to my computer to write out all the things I wanted to include in the Bridesmaids package. I found a sweet Pin here and like the way she worded things. 
I just started writing their names on the doilies and not until I started stuffing the envelopes did I find where I wanted them to go.

I played around with the design of "will you be my bridesmaid" for days until I gave up on it. Again, call me last minute, but not until I was stuffing envelopes did I go with completely simply. After all, we aren't having an over the top, extravagant wedding. We want a simple wedding with all of our friends and family. So my bridesmaids package should reflect it.


Basic details like who, what, where, why.. these girls will be the ones I direct all my guests to when they have questions and I don't have all the time in the world to respond when things get to crunch time, so they should know as much as I do about our wedding.

All of my bridesmaids know of each other, however, not all of them have officially met. So I included their names, phone numbers, roles and how we know each other. I did this so they could get in contact with each other when it came time to plan the bachelorette party, bridal shower, whatever they need to get in contact with each other for, they now have the resource to do so.

In hopes of NEVER becoming or acting like bridezilla, I wanted to reiterate how much these girls mean to me and how much I appreciate them being with me. So I included that too :)

Again, I say, I don't want to be that crazy bride cable TV loves to cast. So to keep it simple and stress free, I want my girls to pick out their own dress. No 6 girls are going to look great in the same dress. Most dresses aren't made to flatter every body type. I am well aware so I picked out some color swatches from the local hardware store and included them in their packet. Granted they don't have to be exactly Cream Angels or Raffia Cream, but you get the idea. Creams, tans, and neutral. BASIC yet BEAUTIFUL!

My bridesmaids are my best friends as yours will probably be too. This took me a few hours to put together. The longest part was typing everything up and making sure I included all the important parts. It was a really special way for me to ask my girls and is totally worth it! All in all, this probably cost $5.20/envelope.

envelopes $2.00 x6 = $12
ribbon $.99
cardstock $4.99
doilies $2.99
mixed media $3.99 x2 = $8
buttons $1.99 x2 = $4
color swatches = free
hot glue I already had

Shipping was roughly $3.50 an envelope, which rounds out for a grand total of about $9 a packet.

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